Green Stewardship in NYC: Learn More!Green living in Riverdale is protected because of two sets of zoning regulations. We also have two historic districts which preserve...
197-a Community PlanPublished in 2014: Riverdale is one of only 13 communities in NYC to have created a Community Plan to guide local development. Community...
Archives: PlaNYC2030 (2006)In December 2006, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the launch of PlaNYC2030, a long-term growth and sustainability plan intended to...
Daylighting Tibbetts BrookThe Riverdale Nature Preservancy supports efforts to daylight Tibbetts Brook. The proposal would support local ecology, reduce the amount...
Monitoring Local Development, Advocating for EnforcementThe Riverdale Nature Preservancy monitors local development for compliance with zoning and SNAD (Special Natural Area District)...