The Riverdale Nature Preservancy
Hebrew Home
In 2012, the Hebrew Home Senior Living Facility, now called RiverSpring, proposed a massive development on 14 acres of it's property along the Hudson River. The site was zoned for single family detached residences (R1-1). The development plan threatened to eliminate open space and create traffic problems on local streets. The new development would require a rezoning of the property to an R-4. The Riverdale Nature Preservancy worked together with concerned community members, Community Board 8, and the Hebrew Home towards an improved plan for use of the land in keeping with it's zoning and community character. The revised plans included reduced building heights, preservation of open space, and planting of additional trees on the developed property. Our community's success in holding the Hebrew Home's development to the restrictions set out in our 197-a Plan set a helpful precedent for faithful compliance to thoughtfully conceived regulations.
Green Spaces
The Riverdale Nature Preservancy provides Community Board 8 with input on the creation of greenways. In planning The extension of the Old Putnam Rail Trail through Van Cordtlandt Park, we provided insight into the pros and cons of proposed road surfaces. The Putnam Trail is now complete for community enjoyment.
We have also provided advice and information in the planning of an extension of the Hudson River Valley Greenway. The Riverdale Nature Preservancy supports the creation of the greenway, and participates in ongoing planning efforts aimed to reconcile challenges created by climate change and MTA ownership of the waterfront property along the Hudson River. We support a greenway constructed to preserve Riverdale Park and the unique winding streets that characterize the area.
Short, medium, and long-term recommendations for the Greenway.