Archive: Putnam Line Trail (2013)June 2013 Vote by Community Board Keeps Putnam Line in Discussion The NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is designing a...
Archive: Hudson River Valley Greenway Reports and Letters (2014)Battery to Battery The Hudson River Valley Greenway will stretch from Battery Park City in NYC to Battery Park in Troy, NY. In the Bronx,...
Archives: Riverdale Park Trail to Be Added to Hudson River Trail Bike Path?Introduction The NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation (DPR), in January 1999, recommended a pedestrian and bicycle path through Riverdale...
Archive: RNP Newsletter, Winter 2002Topics: Movement to restore the park in Henry Hudson Parkway, Riverdale's Roots, Annual Meeting Held in October, Henry Hudson Parkway...
Archive: RNP Newsletter, Spring 2002Topics: Naturalist Corner- Composting, Greenway Updates, Zoning for Preservation, Riverdale's Roots, Chapel Farm, Riverdale Metro-North...