This overview of SNAD regulations is provided for informational purposes only—the actual regulations are much more complex than this overview. Contact the Bronx Office of City Planning, at 718-220-8500, with your specific project plans and a description of your property, to ensure that you comply with all zoning requirements. City Planning will guide you through the approval and permitting process.
Topography (including steep slopes)

Modifications to a slope can affect storm water and groundwater drainage patterns, soil conditions, and vegetation health. In the SNAD, lots are characterized as:
Tier I - average slopes of < 10 %
Tier II - average slopes of 10 % or greater (includes "steep slopes")
steep slopes - slopes of 25 % or greater
Maximum Lot Coverage Lot Coverage is the portion of a zoning lot which, when viewed from above, is covered by a building or portion of a building. Slope Zoning District Permitted Maximum Lot Coverage steep slope R1, R2, R3 12.5 %
steep slope R4 20.0 %
10 - 14.9 % R1 - R4 varies from 22.5 to 36 %
15 - 19.9 % R1 - R4 varies from 20.0 to 32 %
20 - 24.9 % R1 - R4 varies from 17.5 to 28 %
Topography Category Grading Regulation Zoning Regulation
Projects that do not require Review by Department of City Planning Section 105-021, b
a building permit, such as required for changes to topography
some swimming pools, of more than two feet
garden sheds, or fences
Tier I Sites: Authorization from the City Planning Section 105-421
Projects that require a Commission required for any
building permit modification of existing topography.
Tier II sites: Authorization from the City Planning
Projects that require a Commission or any grading beyond 15 feet
building permit of the location of a building foundation
(Exception: driveways and private roads)
Grading within 15 feet of a foundation Section 105-34
Grading within 15 feet of a foundation
slopes, compaction of fill, retaining walls,
and other grading elements
Driveways and private roads Section 105-35
Topsoil is protected from erosion during construction:
"Any exposed earth shall have straw, jute matting , or geotextiles placed on it within two days of exposure and be seeded with annual rye grass during construction." (Section 105-36, (f))" "A development on a Tier II site, that needs an authorization, must inst
all one of the following erosion and sedimentation control measures: benches and berms, diversion channels, debris or sediment basins, retention ponds, or grassed waterways or outlets. (Sect. 105 -37)"