Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM Location: Vladeck Hall, 74 Van Cortlandt Park South Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2114033690
16465588656,,2114033690# US * * Please note changes to meeting details sometimes occur, contact BX08@cb.nyc.gov to express interest in the meeting and be sure you are on the email list.
Attend this meeting to learn more and share your opinions. At the September Land Use Meeting, community concerns included:
Increased density in an already congested area.
Lack of outdoor space for the children at the school.
Increased traffic, with attendant noise and air pollution.
Whether the apartment building proposed on the same site offers units that meet the needs of the community.
Lack of local infrastructure to support increased density.
Details from the CB08 announcement: School Construction Authority (SCA) Proposed Public School located at 160 Van Cortlandt Park South. The School Construction Authority (SCA) is proposing a 736-seat primary school at the former site of Visitation, 160 Van Cortlandt Park South. It is anticipated that the new school will open for student occupancy in September 2027. Bronx Community Board No. 8 will submit written comments and statements from the Public Hearing to the School Construction Authority in response to the Negative Declaration.
Should anyone from the public wish to speak on this matter please sign up by emailing the board office at BX08@cb.nyc.gov in advance or sign up at the door. Speakers must attend meeting in person.
See documents below for detailed information on the proposed development that will be discussed at the hearing. School Construction Authority Negative Declaration ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM (EAF) & SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) Letter