SNAD portion only, full minutes available on CB8 website..
SNAD Application:Hebrew Home for the Aged Special Permit Renewal – James Powers Esq., Valerie Mutterperl and Roberto Garcia Presented Renewal of the Special Permit and Authorizations for the Hebrew Home Project at the Riverdale Campus. The original permit was granted on September 26, 2018 (C180321ZSX), including the following authorizations: 105-421, 105-422, 105-424, 105-425; and 105-432. The project is located at 5701-5961 Palisade Avenue, Riverdale, in Community District 8, The Bronx.
• Not yet certified by the Department of City Planning (DCP); Hoping to get certified soon and be back for a formal public hearing.
• Gave a snapshot of what currently exists on the campus, including an existing site plan.• The current entrance is on the north site (North Entrance) and will address those changes that are being proposed. The North Entrance will remain the primary entrance.
• The south site will have some changes to accommodate the independent living apartment/residential buildings that will be added to the campus, and internal site circulation changes.
• The Goldfine Pavilion area is where they will be removing a building from the existing plan to accommodate the new independent living units.
• Showed the 2018 Approved Site Plan that included new independent living building of 3 separate wings
.• In 2018 DCP granted approvals for new independent living building of 3 separate wings and are a part of CCRC in R1 District.
• North Campus use is as of right in an R4 District.
• There was a series of authorizations under the SNAD regulations to modify topographic features, alteration of rock outcroppings, modification of tree preservation requirements, and modification of height and setback in the R4 District. There was a certification of a restoration plan also approved in 2018.
• In Fall 2022, an application was filed with DCP to renew the term of the special permit and SNAD authorizations for an additional three-year term. That application is still pending.
• A draft application has been submitted to modify the project in certain respects that they believe the modifications are minor and present improvements to the site plan.
• Showed the currently proposed site plan. No increase in floor area or total units on the project.
• The proposed changes for the North Entrance will allow for two rows of vehicles to stack within the site and still have adequate circulation space for large delivery vehicles.
• Further proposed changes in the south site to internal circulation roads to facilitate movement of delivery vehicles.
• A pickleball court will be added to the north site of the campus next to the river walk independent living building.• The previously proposed tennis court on the south site would be replaced by two pickleball courts
.• The deteriorated Victorian Home building on the South Campus would be removed.• All the other changes related to Building 1, located in the R4 District. A slight shift in the footprint of the building (3 feet, 6 inches to the North) to accommodate for the thickening of the walls for energy efficiency purposes. No net increase in building footprint or floor area.
• Additional excavation under the parking garage for Building 1. No change in the footprint of the excavation, just an additional 2 feet, 5 inches of excavation, to accommodate stackers and an increase in parking capacity in the garage from 71 to 138 cars.
• Minor changes to the exterior of Building 1 including bay windows and balconies to enhance the outdoor access of the residence.
• Rooftop terrace and additional rooftop equipment, which would be below the previously approved maximum building height of 139 feet and 8 inches.
• Elevator overrides that would exceed the previously approved maximum building height by an additional 11 feet and 8 inches to a height of 151 feet and 4 inches. These overrides are required for maintenance purposes and to allow for code compliant access to the roof.
• Hebrew Home in discussions with local community groups regarding the modifications. Sherida Paulsen (Riverdale Nature Preservancy) –
• The planned modifications, including the increase in height to accommodate the elevator room, would not meet with their objections subject to the final plans, the review by the Community Board, and ultimately the City Planning Commission.• Did specify the height increase should be limited to the location proposed and no comparable increase occur on R1-1 portion of the site.
• Questions raised regarding the proposed conversion from tennis courts to pickleball courts and the proposed removal of the existing house at the south end of the campus.
• Agrees that the modifications for Building 1 are an improvement and would like to see the improved design package move forward to fruition subject to all the reviews required, such as the Community Board and City Planning
.• This statement was jointly signed by the Riverdale Nature Preservancy, Skyview Co-Op, Sigma Place Residence, and the Riverdale Community Coalition.Anne Shahmoon (Sigma Place) –• Sigma Place is concerned about the switch from tennis courts to pickleball courts, the noise from pickleball and the increase in ambulances. Steven Chait (Skyview on the Hudson) –• Supported S. Paulsen’s report and her assessment of this is Skyview’s point of view on this as well. Community Board was asked to form a task force or subcommittee on how to make the public access for the riverwalk expansion happen on the campus. J. Powers will be in touch with the DM toschedule something in regards to this.
B. Bender, M. Wolpoff and L. Spalter will be the initial members.