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Archive: Planning Reports for Preserving Henry Hudson Parkway



Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) 2006


Putting the Park Back in Parkway

A Proposal for Greenway and Landscape Recommendations By New Yorkers for Parks Community Design Internship program, 2004.

This is a design study for landscaping along the service road of the Henry Hudson Parkway. The NYC Environmental Fund and the NYC Departments of Transportation and Parks have identified a Class III bicycle and pedestrian route along the service roads and overpasses of the Parkway.

What is a Class III bicycle route? A Class III bicycle route is a route shared by bicycles and motor vehicles.

The study considers ways to transform the discontinuous sidewalks along the parkway service roads into a safe and green haven for pedestrians. Developed with extensive input of neighborhood residents, this report identifies technical improvements that are necessary for safety, ways to incorporate elements of the parkway's historic design, and ways to bring green to the greenway, including places for pocket parks and a planting plan. The report's recommendations were presented at Wave Hill in January 2005.


Stormwater Capture Parks Along the Henry Hudson Parkway

Developing Endor Garden as a Watershed Model

By Gaia Institute, 2003.

Summary: This report analyzes the potential of the parkland along the Henry Hudson Parkway to absorb storm water runoff and divert it from city sewers. Endor Garden was created by the community to make active use of some of the parkland buffer along the road, in the face of incremental loss of the parkland buffer to paving, erosion, and new fencing that restricted access. The report discusses economic and environmental benefits of managing the parkland buffer for stormwater capture.

It was funded by the J.M. Kaplan Fund.


Report on Public Outreach

Report on Phase One of Public Outreach The Preservancy's report summarizes public comments on Henry Hudson Parkway Scenic Byway planning, received through July 2004


Understanding Jurisdiction Along the Henry Hudson Parkway

By Sam Schwartz Engineering 2003. Siting, design, and construction of the Henry Hudson Parkway and Bridge were under the authority of Robert Moses, who at one time headed both the state departments of parks and transportation. His intermingling of responsibilities between the two agencies, as well as the assignation of responsibilities to NYC departments of parks and tran

sportation, the TBTA and others has resulted in a complex mixing and overlapping of ownership and operations responsibilities along the roadway, parkland, overpasses, and other features of the Henry Hudson Parkway.

This report attempts to sort out the various jurisdictions, a necessary step to improving

project review and implementation along the parkway.

The report was funded by a grant from the J. M. Kaplan Fund.

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