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Opportunities to support local ecology!

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Leave your leaves to promote
healthy local ecology!
Yard Waste Composting- Expanded Pickup from DSNY

Leaving the leaves is best,

but if you have yard waste

which needs to be picked up, yard waste and curbside

compost are now being picked up on the same day- recycling day. 

Click below for detailed information.​​​


Stay Informed:
Local Land Use

The Hebrew Home's development plans have been a subject of discussion at Community Board 8 meetings.

Demolition of the Victorian Home located on the south campus has been postponed for 90 days.  A community discussion its historic significance took place at a Land Use meeting, including a presentation by Nick Dembowski of the Kingsbridge Historical Society. 

The September 11, 2024 Land Use meeting

is available on Youtube- learn more!

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Garden Planning: Native Plants

The most ecologically friendly option is also the easiest and least expensive to maintain- and will attract natural wildlife!

Install A Green Roof:
Managing rainwater run-off

Learn more about funding from NYC DEP

NYC DEP offers green roof retrofit funding for private property owners in New York City. The goal is to incentivize private property owners to retrofit their roofs with green roofs to manage storm water runoff.

Attend an online workshop to learn more

  • December 11, 2024; 2–3:00pm


Why A Green Roof?

“Green roofs are being increasingly used in urban areas where space constraints limit the use of other storm water management practices.”  


Click below to learn more from the US EPA.

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Flash floods threaten neighborhoods again


“The last time flash flooding threatened this part of the Bronx last month, the Major Deegan Expressway was closed for at least a couple days — turned completely into a river…”

Co-op blames flooding not on Ida, but instead on DOT


“In video shot by one of 2727 Palisade’s board members, flooding could be seen all along the sidewalks, the building’s entrance, and even streams of water flowing into the lobby…”

Note: Since the publication of this article, the sidewalk at Palisade and Kappock has been renovated to include permeable surfaces and shrubs.

City Planning Commission Hearing
Topic: City of Yes for Housing Opportunity
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2024


View the hearing

The fifteen hour hearing is available on Youtube.  It includes testimony from all five boroughs, and includes speakers from Community Board 8.

Karen Argenti (BCEQPBNO) speaks at 1:38:00

Laura Spalter (CB8) speaks at 2:25:00

Vanessa Gibson (Borough Pres.) speaks at 3:10:59

Robert Fanuzzi (BCEQ) speaks at 4:36:40.

Please email us if you are aware of additional CB8 local speakers so we can highlight their comments.

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Report and Resolution:

Community Board 8
Special Committee on City of Yes for Housing Opportunity

Community Board 8 has rejected the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity proposal. The full published report offers insight into how the plan fails to meet its stated goals and the needs of our community:


“The Proposal is so plainly one-sided in its desire to advance certain private interests as to raise serious questions warranting inquiry as to their initiation and development. From the standpoint of Bronx Community Board 8 and the Community as a whole the Proposal is fatally flawed and would, if adopted by the City Council, at best, jeopardize the continued vitality of this and other communities through unbridled and overwhelmingly increased density, unsafe and hazardous conditions and circumstances that are fundamentally inconsistent with a sound and livable Community and City…”

~ CB8 Special Committee, City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Report & Recommendations, June 17 2024

Community Board Discussion History

Annual Meeting- 2024 

Follow the community discussion on our Youtube channel! Speakers included:

Sherida Paulsen (SNAD)

Ray Pultinas (Plant Native NW)

Congressman Ritche Torres (D-12 Rep)

Eclipse 2024:
Community Green Spaces 

Van Cortlandt Park Parade Grounds:
Preserved as Public Green Space for Spring 2024!

The Cricket World Cup will be hosted at another venue, avoiding the problems associated with construction of a temporary stadium in Van Cortlandt Park.  The proposal had not been presented with ample time for a full and transparent review process, and brought with it concerns about potential for damage to local ecology and historic areas.  The VCP Parade Grounds is a popular green space used for community cricket, as well as other sporting events and family picnics.  A months-long exclusion of the public from this area to the benefit of a private group presented a heavy burden on the residents of the northwest Bronx.

The Preservancy celebrates the news of this success, which was the result of the joint efforts of outspoken community members, our local elected officials, and local community groups:

From Van Cortlandt Park Alliance:


"Van Cortlandt Park Alliance is very happy to report that the International Cricket Council heard our community’s concerns and will not build a stadium on the Parade Ground. 


VCPA thanks the incredible coalition that made this possible. 

New Yorkers for Parks, Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, Bronx Coalition for Parks and Green Spaces, NY Cricket League, Bronx Community Board 8, Loving the Bronx, NY Road Runners, Riverdale Main Streets Alliance, Van Cortlandt Track Club, Women of Woodlawn, Van Cortlandt Nature Group, and many others.


We heart Congressman Ritchie Torres, NYS Assembly Member Jeff Dinowitz, NYC Council Member Eric Dinowitz, and NYC Council Member Shekar Krishnan. Thank you for standing up for the Bronx! "

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SNAD Awareness Campaign!

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How can you participate in our SNAD Awareness Campaign?



* For display on SNAD properties only. Click here to see if you are in the SNAD, which is zoned as NA-2.

Did you know parts of Riverdale, Fieldston and Spuyten Duyvil are designated as a SPECIAL NATURAL AREA DISTRICT (SNAD)?


This designation was made in 1975 through the New York City Zoning Resolution.  It is an important part of protecting natural areas, guiding development to safeguard mature trees and plantings, steep slopes, and rock outcrops. 

At present there are four SNADs in NYC, including the one in our neighborhood.

This fall, the Preservancy's Special Natural Area District (SNAD) Awareness Campaign is underway to highlight this ecologically protected area that ensures preservation of green spaces for all.


Long Term Planning

The Riverdale Nature Preservancy is working with the NYC City Council through Community Board 8 to design long term development plans which will protect the future of our historic and natural resources.  Through prudent planning, we can balance communal needs for affordable housing and access to green spaces for all Bronxites with strategic protection of the unique architecture and sensitive ecological features our community enjoys.  We are working with the City Council to fine tune Speaker Corey Johnson's recent proposal, Planning Together.

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